Our Community
A Great Place to Work, Live & Play!
When you buy a house in Captain’s Pointe, you automatically become a member of the Captain’s Pointe Homeowners Association. Our goal is to uphold property values by ensuring all residents respect the community’s deed restrictions and by keeping Captain’s Pointe a fantastic place to live.

Homes for Sale
Find listings for homes for sale in our neighborhood. They don’t last long with our low association fee and it being such a great place to live.

About Captains Pointe
Learn about our beginnings and about the area that we live in. With so much to do & see here there’s something for everyone.

St. Augustine History
We live in a city rich in history. Click here to find out more about the history of the city. Links to free & discount tickets.

Captain’s Pointe Subdivision
The Captain’s Pointe Subdivision land was cleared starting in September 1986.
St. Johns County adopted and passed the resolution to establish our
With our Homeowners Association by-laws and restrictions in place, homes began to pop up in the neighborhood. Our first board was in place and we were official.
Our Board Members

Victor Garra

Preston Bowes
1st Vice President

Greg Dornstauder
2nd Vice President

Greg Dornstauder

Brigid Garbini